"The opposite of love is not hate, it is ignorance"
I think this is the most brilliant quote that I've ever read.
So instead of wasting my time trying to find a way to hate, I think I'll ignore.
And start living my life.
Today, for the very first time in years .. I slept upstairs 'till almost nine.
Without waking up.
And it feels allright.
It feels, liberating.
glad to hear that :)
BalasHapussering2 tidur awal..biar bisa lebih sehat
BalasHapusdan yang terpenting, hari ini kamu bisa merasa baik-baik saja&bebas (tidak perduli apakah itu hanya "merasa sedikit" tapi setidaknya itu berarti setiap hari perasaan kamu bisa lebih baik dari kemarin)... plus posting ini setidaknya kasi warna di blog kamu (karena label "happy" kamu bertambah satu)
try to start your day with smile y,strong woman :). . karena "there's something good in every day"
Tq :)
BalasHapusCouldn't have done it without you, pals